Consultation on providing specialist places for pupils with special educational needs
Despite an increase in the number of specialist education places for children with the most complex needs since September 2021, across Suffolk there remains a shortfall. This can mean that some pupils have to be educated away from their local communities or in provision which cannot meet their needs.
We are working alongside Suffolk County Council to develop additional specialist education places which would be supported by one of our schools. Places will be offered as part of a dedicated group, within Piper’s Vale Primary Academy, Ipswich.
The development of this provision will provide us with the opportunity to link in with the specialist class which already operates at the school. There will be opportunities for staff to share planning, resources and training. This new provision also provides us with the opportunity to link with our other specialist units which cater for children with additional needs.
It is intended that Piper’s Vale Primary will offer 12 specialist places for children in reception, key stage 1 and key stage 2 with severe learning difficulties. Subject to consultation, it is envisaged that the places would be available from September 2024 onwards. Suffolk County Council is looking to commission these places for three years.
These places will be in addition to the school’s current PAN (planned admission number). This means that there will not be a reduction in the number of places available in the usual admissions round. Allocation of specialist places will follow a separate admissions process and will be for pupils with an education, health and care plan.
We are proposing this development in order to provide more pupils with education which meets their individual needs at a location in their area.
Consultation Question
Do you support the plan to create 12 specialist places for children in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with severe learning difficulties at Piper’s Vale Primary?
If not, why not? Please indicate your concerns and any suggestions for overcoming these.
Please return responses to Specialist Provision Consultation, Piper’s Vale Primary Academy, Raeburn Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 0EW or to by Monday 3rd June 2024.