Piper’s Vale Primary’s behaviour approach aims to support staff and pupils to develop positive relationships which will lead to a secure learning environment for all.
Teaching and learning can only take place in an atmosphere of calm purposefulness.
The school’s approach to behaviour management aims to foster in pupils:
- Good learning behaviours e.g. listening, attention, participation, effort, positive attitude, co-operation
- Positive and pro-social values
- Self esteem and confidence
- A positive attitude about their abilities
- A sense of responsibility for their actions
- An understanding of cause and consequence
Star Pupils are chosen each week by any adult working in the school. Star Pupils are not only pupils who have made specific achievements but are also those pupils who constantly show desirable behaviour and attitude. Star Pupils are acknowledged in assembly and weekly newsletters and a postcard/letter is sent to individual homes. The objective of this practice is to highlight the continually good, to give recognition to non-academic achievements, to highlight desirable attitudes/characteristics, to strengthen home/school links and to acknowledge activities within the community.
In PVPA, wristbands alongside certificates are given each half term as part of receiving a nomination linked with the school values. Records of pupils achieving Star Pupil status are recorded for each pupil in the school’s data management system.
Core rules
There are four whole school rules:
- All members of our academy will show respect and courtesy towards each other .
- Pupils follow adult instructions first time.
- We treat everybody as we wish to be treated.
- We respect one another, our environment and our learning.
Code of Conduct
It is expected that teachers will discuss and reach agreements with pupils for good conduct and the maintenance of routines. An agreed code of conduct is displayed in each classroom.