School Uniform
We expect all children to wear school uniform:
- Royal blue sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (Not a hoodie)
- White shirt/polo shirt/t-shirt
- Black/grey school trousers (Not leggings)
- Black/grey school shorts
- Black/grey school skirts
- Black/grey pinafore dress
- Blue and white checked school dress
- Black/navy/grey tights
- Dark, sensible footwear (trainers are permissible if all black)
- Black or grey skirt/pinafore/trousers (no jeans or leggings)
PE Kit
- White polo shirt/t-shirt (No football shirts etc)
- Black shorts
- Black/navy jogging bottoms
- Black/navy sweatshirt
- Trainers/plimsolls
Please note, you do not have to buy uniform showing the school logo, but if you wish to, you can purchase these items from our uniform suppliers: PMG, 40 Westgate Street, Ipswich, IP1 3ED, or online at: All uniform items can be easily found in supermarket uniform departments.
We also currently have a selection of pre-loved uniforms available for sale from the School Office.